May I invite all of you to share with each other on this blog. Since we are challenged to Activate Our Visions, please share some of the steps you have taken since returning from the southwest conference in Reno or other regional conferences. State organization presidents have now held at least one meeting with officers and committees, please share new actions that are being taken to promote the influence of DKG on education in our communities and states.
Since Reno, I have been answering questions on membership, helping connect some transfer members with new chapters, and completing 'wrap up tasks' for the regional conference.
I'm most excited about my trip to Panama for the installation of our 17th country into DKG. I leave for Panama City on November 24th. The installation is on November 27th. I'll have much to share upon my return.
Please feel free to connect through this blog and my e-mail as listed on the international web site. My continued best wishes for your efforts in making a difference in education.
In Delta Kappa Gamma service, Kathy